Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca born in fuente vaqueros on 5 of july on 1898, be an  poet spanish  his father was federico garcia rodriguez and his mother vicenta lorca his mother was the moment to like the literary his family moves to Almería when with the  teach Rodríguez Espinosa,in 1918 put his first book when his name is  Impresiones y paisajes  later in  1920 put a play when his name is llamada el maleficio de la mariposa y en 1927 expuso una muestra pictórica en Barcelona. go to  Nueva York in  1929 where write  un poem with his name is  poeta en Nueva York he write in he's stay  in the university of Columbia. an other play is the d casa de Bernarda Alba in 1936 an this is the last play  and later was killed

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